Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fablehaven #2 -rise of the evening star-5 stars

Quickly! we're rushing back to Fablehaven! Olloch the Glutton has bitten Seth and it will grow and will eat Seth. Meanwhile the Evening star, the evil group,is attacking Fablehaven. And they are having these people help to keep them away and they teach the kid's stuff. And one night one of them gets Seth to follow him to this magical grove where they are attacked by this revenant. It keeps on saying remove nail. And there was a nail in his neck. It turned the other guy into an albino. But Seth got stuck in the cocoon that the guy choved into Seth's mouth. But Olloch the Glutton swallows him. The othetrs find thje other man but not Seth. Finally the frog digests Seth. And he goes intothe mansion that was there and is chased by a dust storm. Then he and kendra find each other and they kill the revenant and go into the tower it was gaurding and they fight this monster and then they have to fight a cat and they kill the cat 9 times and then they received this pot and this guy called the sphyx and they put the traitor into this box called the quiet box. And take the other evil person out. and the traitor thinks that the spyx is a good guy and a bad guy.