Thursday, January 1, 2009

the golden goose-5 stars

This story is about these three brothers and one wants to go chop trees and then he meets this man in the woods who asks for food and he refuses and later on cuts his arm off and goes home. His brother asks to chop trees the next day and meets the same old man and he asks for food and he refuses to give him food and he chops off his leg and he has to be carried home.
The third brother asks and at first he says no and then he says yes. He meets the man as well and he gives him food and the food turned into rich food(tasty foods). The man tells him he shall have great luck and to chop off a certain tree and he chops down the tree and he finds a golden goose and he takes it to the inn he was to stay in and the innkeeper had three daughters who wanted a feather of the golden feather. They both try to get a golden feather by stealing one and they both got stuck and they got three people stuck on them too. They pass by a kingdom who has a princess who never laughs. the sight of all of them made her laugh and laugh! there was a royal decree that whoever made her laugh shall have her hand in marriage. the king didn't want to have her daughter marry him so he told him to find someone that would drink a whole casket of wine and he finds the man and he drinks the whole casket. then the King has him find someone who can eat a whole mountain of bread and he gets the man again and he ate it all. Then he has him get a boat that can travel on land and the sea and he gets the man and he makes the boat and the king finally let him marry her.


I read two fairy tales for a Cub Scout activity and I read Rumpelstiltskin and the Golden Goose. Here are the stories.

Rumpelstiltskin:It's about this girl who has a father who tells the king that she can spin straw in gold(What a dummy this king is!)and makes it so that she will die if she does not spin a whole room of straw into gold. Then this man show up and she gives him her necklace to spin the gold. and then the king makes her do it again in a bigger room and she gives the man her ring and he does it again. the king does it again and this time she promises him her first born son. the king now makes her his wife. she gives birth to her son and the man comes to get the baby then he gives her three days to figure his name on the third day she finds out his name, tells him and then Rumpelstiltskin kills himself.