Sunday, November 23, 2008

The chronicles of Narnia 1-7 (5 stars)

I read this book and to make them all shot I'll do one story at a time. so it won't be a really long post.

Friday, November 14, 2008

New things on my blog! yeah!

If you haven't noticed the title I'm going to write reviews on the movies I see.
This something if you like to check and make sure it's appropriate. If it's not just go to another website cause I haven't seen it.


Signed By:Jeffrey Stewart

AWWW Darn... Mom Vetoed the changes... So I will go back to just reviewing the books.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What else is there?

I'll let you guys read Fablehaven and see for yourself what happens!

Good day!

Signed by:Jeffrey Stewart