Thursday, January 1, 2009


I read two fairy tales for a Cub Scout activity and I read Rumpelstiltskin and the Golden Goose. Here are the stories.

Rumpelstiltskin:It's about this girl who has a father who tells the king that she can spin straw in gold(What a dummy this king is!)and makes it so that she will die if she does not spin a whole room of straw into gold. Then this man show up and she gives him her necklace to spin the gold. and then the king makes her do it again in a bigger room and she gives the man her ring and he does it again. the king does it again and this time she promises him her first born son. the king now makes her his wife. she gives birth to her son and the man comes to get the baby then he gives her three days to figure his name on the third day she finds out his name, tells him and then Rumpelstiltskin kills himself.

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