Sunday, September 9, 2007

Eagle Feather -2 stars

It`s about a boy named Eagle Feather. His cousin, Crook Nose, wants him to live with with him for a while. But he does not want to go. but one day Morning Bird and Teasing Boy(Eagle feathers brother and sister)and Eagle Feather were looking at Crook Nose`s truck when they want to get in so Eagle Feather opens the door. And teasing boy was messing with the brake. And the truck slides down a hill.and the truck hits a cotton wood tree. Crook Nose wants Eagle Feather to work for him for the summer to pay for the truck to be fixed. Eagle Feather says he`ll work for Crook Nose for the summer. And he works really hard that summer. Then he decides he`s worked enough. Then one night he runs away but he always keeps seeing Crook Nose following his tracks. so he keeps out smarting Crook Nose. The he finally gets home and never stayed with Crook Nose ever again.


Anonymous said...

Wow Jeffy! that's cool
I think you should also give the books a rating like
5 is really a great story,you'd read it again.
4 stars is very good book...enjoyed it a bunch...
3 stars good book but would't read it again,
2 stars ....ok book and
1 star didn'enjoy this book very much.
0 stars ... this is a loser book!
don't bother!
What do you think of that idea? I think it would help others to know whether hey want to read your books.

Anonymous said...

Jeffy, Did you know there are actually people who get paid to read books and make comments and rate the books they read?
That would be afun job being a book reviewer don't you think?
Love Grandma

Stacy said...

I agree with your grandma, I think you should rate them too.

Have a good week at school.


becca said...

Hey Jeffy... This sounds like an interesting book. I am looking forward to reading more of your comments. I like your grandma's idea about the rating system also. We love you~!!
Aunt Becca

ReaderBOy said...

yeah. so far it`s great.