Thursday, October 4, 2007

Judy Moody saves the world-3 stars

It's about Stink's sister named Judy. And there is this contest called crazystrips where you mail in a picture and they mail back to tell you if you won. The prize is rollerblades and a years supply of bandaids. Stink actually wins and she acts like a howling monkey when she finds out. But also Judy's class is talking about the rainforests. Judy keeps learning about products that come from the rainforest and does not want to use them. She keeps throwing them away and try to get people to use something else. The class decides to bring bottles and recycle them and also to plant 100 trees. That is a lot! She is given a long neck giraffe trophy for doing all this work.
Taking care of the rainforest is important. Pencils can come from trees in the rainforest. One tree can make 1,732 Pencils. WOW that is alot. But I think Judy Moody was taking this thing WAY TOO SERIOUS!!!!

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