In this book, Judy Moody decides she wants to be famous. She realizes that all her family members are famous. Like her brother was born in a Jeep. Her Dad did something, I forget what. And her mom was famous for doing this sort of club. Her friends are also famous. She gets angry and in class she gets in trouble for throwing an earth worm at Jessica Finch. But it was on accident. Her friends and her brother try to help her get famous so they tie their shoes together and fall down so Judy can "save them." But she accidentally breaks Frank's pinkie finger. He Has to go to the hospital. Judy and her Brother go to the hospital too and they meet a girl named Laura that is getting a new heart.
Judy sees a bunch of broken dolls and so she takes them home and works on them and puts them back together with her own Barbie Doll parts. A few days later she mails them back. She sees a note in the papers that says a thief had stolen the dolls from the hospital. But when the hospital gets them back they are all curious of how they got washed, cleaned, and nicely dressed. Judy continues to buy broken dolls and repair them and send them to the county hospital. She decides it is better to do it secretly.
Well this class sounds pretty close to what our class sounds like. Throwing worms and acting out of order sometimes. I guess kids will be kids. I see that you like reading Judy Moody books. How many are there? I bet you'll read all of them. Are these books A.R. books? If they are be sure and take the tests when you're in school:)Have a super weekend!
There are seven,One of them I have not read.Yes they are.I have already took the A.r. tests for them
Mrs. Rosier(My school teacher).
there is a website called www. Judymoody.com
Your mom read Judy Moody, I think when she was younger. Ask her! Cool! You can use reading fun books to et good grades at school, huh?
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