Saturday, October 6, 2007

Judy Moody M.D. The Docter is in!- 4 stars

It's about Judy moody this time is tired of rain so she decides to pretend to be sick, but the mom knows she is faking it. Her class is studying 1 word, B-O-N-E-S bones!! So her class goes to a hospital and looks around. They see what people do in a hospital and what it looks like. They realize that you can bring pets to the PAWS for healing part where there are animals people can pet and stuff as part of getting better. It can lower blood pressure. The Doctor asked them when you can call 911 and when not to. He says you can not call 911 to ask how to cook a Turkey. He taught them about codes in the hospital like Code Blue means the patients heart has stopped. He asks who wants to have a cast put on her arm and Judy Moody gets one on her arm and gets to keep it on and everyone signs it. Then on Friday they have show and tell about parts of the body and Judy finds out that Stink still has his umbilical cord, she sneaks it out and takes it to class. Stink doesn't feel well so Mrs. Bell in the clinic says Stink is really sick because his throat is as red as a fire engine. So Stink has to eat the BRAT diet, which is Banana's, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. When Stink starts to get better Judy gets sick because she was always hanging around Stink. She acts like she is the 1st woman Doctor, Elizabeth Blackwell and performs surgery. She tells them she has an eyepatch because when she Elizabeth Blackwell was a girl she had an eye disease and had her eye taken out. So she wore and eye patch over it.
When Judy is sick her friends bring her animals to keep until she gets better. She feels better when the animals leave and she writes in her journal about it. It was hard to take care of them.


Anonymous said...

A journal is a good idea, to help you remember the things that happen to you. Do you keep a journal?

ReaderBOy said...
