Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Judy moody Predicts the future-5 STARS!!

Judy Moody gets this mood ring in a box of cereal where it tells how you feel. She gets angry because it keeps turning black. Stink takes it out of the garbage and keeps showing off and so she wants it back when she sees it changes colors. Stink won't give it back. And guess what??? Judy finds toady because in "saves the world" Judy let him go (Which Made Stink MAD!!). and she finds out that Mr. Todd (Judy's teacher) loves a women called Ms. Tater. And will soon get married! Stink gives her back her mood ring. But it is stuck on his finger since he kept it on all the time. So Judy uses Soap to get it off.
Judy is all happy and goes to school with her mood ring and everyone wants to try it on. She ends up getting it taken away since she was always messing with it in class. She gets it back after school.

I rated it 5 stars because it was a happy book.


Anonymous said...

When I was a kid in school I had a mood ring! I wore it all the time and it actually did change colors. Tho, I decided what reallly made it change colors was how hot or cold my hands were. Like when they they were hot like in the summer , it would be bright blue, or if I was a little warm ot would be green. If I was cold like outside in th e winter, it would turn black! It was fun. I had it for a really long time but it finally got bent out of shape. It was in my jewelry box for years and I honestly don't know what happened to it. Bur I did love that ring. The color that I liked the best that it turned was purple, but it didn't turn that color very often.

ReaderBOy said...

What Does Purple mean?